Will meditation conquer my anxiety?
We often feel embarrassed by anxiety; whether it’s past episodes, suffering in the present, or fearful of our future. Anxiety is no bigger than the mind that creates it. Meditation calms anxiety by grounding our thoughts firmly in the physical present. By doing this we rebuild trust, confidence and calm in the relationship we have with our minds.
The latest medical, psychological and academic research shows a clear and encouraging correlation between meditation and anxiety reduction, and the evidence is mounting year on year. As more and more medical services around the world adopt meditation into their practical prescriptions.

Why do we feel anxious?
Understanding the nature of our feelings
Studies have shown that the area of the brain which is responsible for the fight and flight mechanism shows less activity among meditators. One particular study of 22 diagnosed anxiety sufferers showed a ‘clinical and significant’ improvement in a period of just eight weeks. Studies like the one below are helping us to understand the nature of anxiety, but also build trust in ourselves by showing us that our minds can defeat anxiety with the right guidance.