Finding the right course for you


Personalising your course to help you……

Connect to spirit
Understand yourself
Unblock Chakras
Activate Flow

Chakra Meditation Course


Bring balance to your mind & body, trigger internal healing and find a new depth to your relationships

As your Chakra’s find balance you will come to a place of inner peace and tranquillity. A deeper understanding of your own feelings will allow you to make newfound connections to those around you. This will promote greater compassion towards those around you, bringing about more loving relationships and a happier home.

This course will help you locate specific places where you are hurting. Once your energy flow is unblocked the pain you may have suffered due to betrayal, heartbreak or loss will begin to revive.

When all seven areas of consciousness come into balance, the mind and body will find its natural state of harmony and wellbeing. Allowing yourself to fall into your natural flow is the easiest and most effortless approach to wellbeing.

Awaken your seven chakras and build a connection to your bodies essential energy points.

This 8 part course combines guided meditation and solfeggio frequencies that energizes and promotes spiritual and emotional growth

Our introductory 20 minute guided meditation will help awaken your body’s seven chakras, or essential energy points.

Not only are your chakras linked to important organs and glands, but they are like spinning wheels that allow energy to flow freely through the body.

Stress and anxiety can often block chakras, leaving you feeling uncreative, lethargic and lacking.

But you can jolt your chakras back to life, after the introduction meditation, enjoy seven separate frequency tracks accompanied by piano music, to help energise yourself and feel like new.

This course includes

Guided Chakra Activation Meditation

396Hz Root Chakra Meditation

417Hz Sacral Chakra Meditation

528Hz Solar Chakra Meditation

639Hz Heart Chakra Meditation​

741Hz Throat Chakra Meditation

852Hz Third Eye Chakra Meditation

963Hz Crown Chakra Meditation

Meditation Guide

MindEasy meditation teacher Nathen

Nathen Britton is a multi-talented musician and sound engineer.

He uses Solfeggio Frequencies in combination with relaxing piano music to guide you through your chakras.

Music has been scientifically proven to help you relax, heal and establish a deeper connection between your mind, body and soul.

In this Chakra Meditation Course, Nathen teamed with another MindEasy teacher, Uma to combine guided meditation with Solfeggio Frequencies to create an effortless chakra awakening experience.