Making Friends With Your Mind

- Beginner
- 8 lessons
Find inner peace, improve your relationships and make friends with your mind

As the name suggests, Making Friends with Your Mind focuses on accepting the constant chatter and creating a positive mental environment. We look at ways to access inner peace whenever you need it.

This course can help you rebuild relationships and repair those that may have suffered. Negative chatter and self criticism can be replaced by peace, acceptance and clarity. You’ll be able to look at situations and your thoughts towards them objectively.
You can learn a huge amount about the nature of the mind and your thoughts through meditation. A better knowledge of your mind can help you in situations where negative emotions and chatter may otherwise have taken over.
Trying (and failing!) to sleep while your mind whirs away with thoughts and worries is a common occurrence, but this course can help you access a mental space that goes hand in hand with a great night’s sleep.
Finally, this course will improve your self worth. Humans can be exceptionally cruel, both to themselves and others, but this course will help you to see negative self talk for what it really is. We’ll learn to see damaging thoughts objectively, leading to improved self worth and confidence.
Have you ever been troubled by your own thoughts, finding them worrisome or distressing?
This course will help you get your mind to a place of peace and prosperity when your thoughts are being too noisy and intrusive.
The mind is a complicated place, and while a few minutes of meditation a day can offer a range of benefits, many regular meditators still struggle with self-criticism and frustration when it doesn’t go perfectly.
This 8 session course with meditation teacher Matt teaches you how to access peace, clarity and calm for whenever you need it. By the end of the course, you’ll have a great understanding of how to relate to your thoughts in a skillful and healthy manner, as opposed to listening to self-criticism and inner turmoil. You’ll experience a huge range of benefits and a greater sense of peace.
This course includes
Welcoming Thoughts
Befriending the Busy Mind
Lending Thoughts An Ear
Healthy Attitudes & Happy Thoughts
Cognitive Defusion & Other Jedi Mind Tricks
A New Relationship with Thinking
Exploring The Nature of the Mind
Putting It All Together
Meditation Guide
Matt Young is the director of Melbourne Meditation Centre in Australia.
His approach to meditation is all about welcoming and accepting thoughts and emotion, rather than battling to empty the mind.
Not subscribing any one particular technique or tradition his guided meditation are designed to be strategies and insights, encourage listeners to adopt a playful, exploratory attitude towards meditation.
What is What is Making Friends with Your Mind?
Making Friends with Your Mind is an in-depth meditation course with a lot of different elements to it. Those new to meditation often struggle to calm their mind and, when they find themselves getting distracted, berate themselves! It can turn into a vicious cycle, leading to more and more frustration and negativity.
This course examines the relationship we have with our thoughts, and helps us look at distractions objectively. It teaches you that restlessness, agitation, fatigue and discomfort are all completely natural and inevitable, even for the most experienced meditators. In this course we’ll help you meet frustrating experiences with acceptance. You’ll discover that contentment and peace is possible, even with everything going on around us.
Just as a child requires care and love, so does your mind. Excessive self criticism can be hugely damaging, often leading to breakdowns in relationships and even mental illness.
Learn how to support and encourage your mind, creating a peaceful inner space that you can access whenever you need.
Is Making Friends with Your Mind for me?
This 8 session course covers a huge amount and can lead to incredible benefits in your everyday life. You’ll learn to access peace, clarity and calm, while also seeing negative self talk for what it really is.
The course can be slotted into a busy schedule and is perfect for those who wish to experience all the usual benefits of meditation, while also exploring and obtaining valuable insights about the mind as a whole.