Finding the right course for you


Personalising your course to help you……

Overcome stress
Feel rested
With worrying
Beat anxiety

Stress Relief Meditation


Reduce your stress, improve your sleep and promote emotional health

Scientific studies reveal that the physical mechanism behind stress is reliant on the hormone Cortisol, which is released during stress. By using these meditative techniques, you can stem the development of these symptoms, even while the neurological systems that govern these stress symptoms operate.

Stress is the ultimate enemy of sleep. Sleeplessness is generally caused by an inability to stop worrying about either the past or future. In this course, you’ll learn to root yourself in the present and allow anxious thoughts move past you without disrupting your peace of mind.

By overcoming stress anxiety, you will significantly improve your positive outlook on life. We often feel overwhelmed by our anxious thoughts but finding the ability to overcome them will bring about feelings of self-confidence, wellbeing and empowerment.

These meditations are designed to not only help you relax but to eradicate stress at its deepest levels.

Perfect for whenever you are feeling under pressure, each one of these therapeutic sessions will clear your mind and replace stress with a sense of still and calm.

The long term effects of stress lead to anxiety and depression and can end up being hugely detrimental to our health.

However, we can counter these effects with meditation, which has been proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol as well as combat inflammation in the body.

In each one of these meditations, you will be given a new tool to use to help ground yourself and find refuge from the ever-present stress of modern life.

All these techniques are extremely simple and only require you to take a few minutes out of your day to practice. Once you have them mastered, you will be able to return to them any time you feel the need to release stress and find inner peace.

This course includes

Stress-Relief Breath Counting;In this 10-minute meditation, you’ll practice counting your breath to bring your mind and body into a state of relaxation and peace.​

Present Moment Check-In; In this quick 5-minute meditation, you’ll check back into the present moment and clear your mind.

Full Body Deep Relaxation; In this 10-minute meditation, you’ll practice connecting to and receiving the calming energy of the earth.

Positive Affirmations for Peace; In this 25-minute meditation, you’ll experience deep peace within using positive affirmations to shift your mindset.

Releasing Anxious Thoughts; In this 10-minute meditation, you will learn an effective method of removing anxious thoughts. ​

Visualizing a Positive Outcome; In this 15-minute meditation, you will visualize a positive outcome to a stressful situation in your life.

Meditation Guide


Gia is a spiritual guide, meditation instructor, and sound healer.

She studied Kinesiology (fitness, nutrition, & health) at the University of San Diego State, and her goal is to help people on their journey towards finding clarity, self-love and peace.

She discovered meditation whilst travelling in India and since then has created hundreds of inspirational videos on youtube, held live works shops and created many online courses. You can watch her being interviewed by CBS new all about it here.

Drawing on her diverse knowledge and experience she created these stress relief meditation techniques for MindEasy for anybody that sometimes sufferers with an anxious and erratic mind.