Self Love Meditation

- Beginner
- 7 lessons
Boost your sense of self-worth, deal with hard times and show love to those around you

Excessive self-criticism can be hugely damaging both for our mental and physical health. This course will help you to see negative chatter objectively and treat yourself with kindness. You’ll learn to move on from past mistakes, leading to a greater sense of peace and contentment.
Self love will help you to show love to those around you. The inner peace and contentment you’ll experience will help you to cultivate peace on the outside, allowing you to rebuild and repair relationships that may have suffered.
It’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut of self criticism and low motivation. This course will give you the boost of energy and motivation you need. Treating yourself with love and kindness will see you more motivated to work towards your goals, and it will come from a place of love and kindness, as opposed to punishment and inadequacy.
Self love will help you to show love to those around you. The inner peace and contentment you’ll experience will help you to cultivate peace on the outside, allowing you to rebuild and repair relationships that may have suffered.
Let go of the inner critic and fill your mind with compassion and self-worth.
These meditation sessions will help you understand those negative thoughts and respond to them from a place of love and self-care.
This 7 day course, led by teacher Marisa, teaches you to accept and love yourself for who you are. You’ll learn to treat yourself with kindness, to let yourself off the hook when times are hard, and to acknowledge and move on from past mistakes.
Sadly, self criticism and negativity have become the norm in our society. We find it hard to accept compliments, to open up to others, or to give oursdrielves credit for something we’ve achieved. A lack of confidence in our abilities can take its toll both mentally and physically.
This course will help you to see yourself in a positive light. You’ll finish the course feeling a greater sense of joy, improved self awareness and more self confidence. You’ll also experience the range of physical health benefits that can come from a regular meditation practice.
This course includes
Spending time with yourself
How to embrace your inner child
Embracing and accepting who you are
How to forgive yourself
Using self love as your guide
Meditation Guide
Marisa Imon is the internationally bestselling author of Super Intense, a book about how meditation can turn you into a superhero. She is also an award winning composer and host of the unconventional meditation podcast, Incandescent.
She discovered meditation whilst travelling in India and since then has created hundreds of inspirational videos on youtube, held live works shops and created many online courses. You can watch her being interviewed by CBS new all about it here.
She created Super Powers of the Zodiac with MindEasy for people who want to explore the more spiritual and mystical aspects of meditations.
What is Self Love Meditation?
Many people shy away from talking about ‘self love’ as they don’t want to appear boastful, arrogant or over-confident. But self love isn’t bragging about your achievements or thinking of yourself as better than everyone else.
What we mean by ‘self love’ is a high regard for your own wellbeing and happiness. Self love is taking care of your own physical and mental needs, whether you feel you deserve it or not. You don’t have to think of yourself as the most beautiful, talented or intelligent person in the world. In fact, all you have to do is see yourself as you are; a human being worthy of kindness and respect.
This course will teach you to take care of yourself as you’d take care of a close friend. You wouldn’t criticise or berate a friend if they’re going through a difficult time, and neither should you criticise yourself. You’ll learn to let yourself off the hook and recognise when you’re telling yourself stories that aren’t necessarily true.
The end goal is that we learn to treat ourselves with the love, compassion and kindness we deserve.
Is the Self Love Meditation for Me?
A lack of confidence, self awareness and kindness can negatively manifest itself in many ways, both physically and mentally. This online course is perfect if you struggle to treat or talk to yourself with love and compassion.
This 7 session course should be completed in order and can lead to incredible benefits in your everyday life. Once you’ve completed the course, you can return to any of the 7 meditations for when you need a little extra encouragement.