Best 3 Types of Meditation Pillows

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Meditation can be tricky at the best of times, but if you’re fed up with aching limbs and joints following a seated meditation session, a meditation pillow may be for you. While meditators are often encouraged to sit with any niggles or aches that bother them during their […]
Everything you Need to Know About Hypnobirthing

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While most people are aware of the importance of deep breathing during stressful situations, few people know the effect that deep breathing and mindfulness techniques can have even in situations as difficult as childbirth. Hypnobirthing can help hugely when it comes to managing the pain of giving birth. […]
4 Captivating Connections Between Meditation and Yoga
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents It’s no secret that yoga and meditation are closely tied. Both practices have a number of similar benefits, and each can be used to complement the other. Almost all yoga classes incorporate meditation into the session, while not all meditation sessions incorporate what many people think of as […]
6 Top Tips to Stop Procrastination
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Procrastination can affect us all, and it often leads to a cycle of unproductiveness and feelings of inadequacy. Procrastination is putting off or delaying tasks until the last minute, often for no apparent reason. A lot of the time, what we choose to do instead is trivial and […]
Top 5 Essential Meditation Tools and How to Use Them
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest There’s no denying that starting a meditation practice can be tricky. Tools can help you stick to a daily practice, enhancing your session’s quality and allowing you to get more out of your mindfulness meditation A meditation tool may make your practice more comfortable, easier […]
5 Profound Ways Meditation Can Help you Reduce and Manage Stress
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents As a nation, we are growing more and more stressed, and it seems safe to assume that most of us suffer from some degree of stress on a regular basis – whether that’s financial worries, work troubles or relationship difficulties. If not adequately managed, stress can weaken the […]
4 Reliable Links Between Meditation & Weight Management
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While counting calories, cutting out alcohol and upping your exercise are weight loss methods many of us have experience with, meditation is yet to be widely recognised as an effective weight management tool! However, many people who practice meditation find it easier to lose weight than they did […]
Spiritual Retreats
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Spiritual retreats are popular all over the world and can be found in almost any country. They allow us to leave behind the distractions and stresses of everyday life, helping us to recharge and reconnect with ourselves, our bodies and the world around us. Make Mindfulness Easy Join […]
Walking Meditation
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents We’re all aware of the benefits of reaching our daily 10,000 steps, and a walking meditation helps combine gentle exercise with a peaceful mindfulness practice. Those who work behind a desk may find a walking meditation the perfect antidote to a long day, while others can simply find […]
What is Savasana and How to Practice it
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Anyone who’s taken a yoga class, either online or in-person, will likely have practiced savasana, or corpse pose. Savasana is arguably the most simple yoga posture, while also being one of the hardest poses to master! While many experienced yogis can stand on their heads, balance on one […]