Unwind Your Mind: 4 Powerful NSDR Protocols and Their Benefits

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The term Non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) was initially coined by Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford School of Medicine and the host of the Huberman Lab podcast. Originally used as a term to describe Yoga Nidra to people who feel uncomfortable […]
Dopamine Detox; Everything You Need to Know

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Dopamine fasting first gained notoriety amongst Silicon Valley entrepreneurs trying to supercharge their productivity and output. Since then, it has earned the interest of regular people who feel that their relationship with junk food, their phones, or anything that causes a distraction […]
417 Hz – The Frequency of Change
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The Solfeggio Frequencies are an ancient musical scale made up of specific tones set at a specific frequency. These frequencies can aid healing, bringing the body and mind back into balance. There’s 9 original Solfeggio Frequencies, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 […]
7 Great Tips to Learn How to Focus on Homework without Getting Distracted
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Staying focused, especially on something as dull as homework, is rarely easy. There’s so many factors constantly fighting for our attention that even staying focused on an engaging task can be difficult! Whether it’s the lure of social media or the thought of enjoying the sunshine with our […]
What are Brain Waves and How Can We Change Them with Meditation
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Our brains are a constant hub of activity, neuron’s firing to neurons, keeping all our mental activities and bodily function that we take granted working like clockwork. When different brain regions, for example, the prefrontal cortex, begin to fire their neurons in synchronicity, this is called ‘neural oscillation’ […]
Meditation Relief for Busy Entrepreneurs
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter 5 Benefits of Meditation for Busy Entrepreneurs Table of Contents Creating and managing one’s own business is a rollercoaster of emotions. When your company is performing well you’ll feel that you’re surfing a wave of success, but on the flip side, you’ll also be working long hours and probably feel more […]
4 Ways Meditation Can Hack Exercise
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents How Can Meditation Help Me Exercise Better? All the best sportsmen and women will tell you that having the right mindset can determine whether you push through that last 50m of a run, complete a yoga practice or cycle that little bit further. In many cases, having mental clarity and […]
Everything you Need to Know About Hypnobirthing
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While most people are aware of the importance of deep breathing during stressful situations, few people know the effect that deep breathing and mindfulness techniques can have even in situations as difficult as childbirth. Hypnobirthing can help hugely when it comes to managing the pain of giving birth. […]
6 Top Tips to Stop Procrastination
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Procrastination can affect us all, and it often leads to a cycle of unproductiveness and feelings of inadequacy. Procrastination is putting off or delaying tasks until the last minute, often for no apparent reason. A lot of the time, what we choose to do instead is trivial and […]
Best Time to Meditate – When is Right for You?
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While sitting down to a guided meditation practice is relatively straightforward, it’s not so easy to find the time, location and, let’s face it, the motivation, needed to make the most of your session. It’s only natural that you’ll want to meditate at the right time to get […]