5 Profound Ways Meditation Can Help you Reduce and Manage Stress

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents As a nation, we are growing more and more stressed, and it seems safe to assume that most of us suffer from some degree of stress on a regular basis – whether that’s financial worries, work troubles or relationship difficulties. If not adequately managed, stress can weaken the […]
Top 5 Foods to Boost Your Mood

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Good food is essential in regulating mood and keeping us happy. Changes in our diet bring about certain modifications in the structure of our brain, physiology, and chemistry which lead to shifts in our behaviour. Eating calorie-rich, high sugar foods like ice cream or cookies can lift your spirits in the […]
How To Master Anxiety and Regain Control
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter It may start off as a small swirling feeling akin to butterflies in your stomach or it could be more severe like a sharp breathlessness and a feeling that the world is closing in – either way, anxiety is one of the most crippling emotions that can spiral out of control […]
Can meditation help me focus
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter What does it mean to focus? Its never been harder to stay focused than it is in today’s world. Be it the autoplay of the next youtube or Netflix video, the impulse to pick up our phones or continuous temptations of instantaneous gratification. Discipline is hard and takes practice. However, meditation is […]