7 Creative Ways to Open Your Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Color: Orange Aura Frequency: 417 Hz Location: Pelvis & genitals Spiritual aspects: Relationships & sexuality The Svadistana is the second of the body’s energy centres, located about 2 inches above the root chakra, just below the belly button. This chakra oversees various […]

The Muladhara – Root Chaka; 8 Practical Techniques to Bring It Back Into Balance

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Color: Red Aura Frequency: 396 Hz Location: Base of the spine Spiritual aspects: Security & survival The Muladhara, or the root chakra, is the first of the 7 chakras located at your spinal cord’s root and is linked to a red aura. In ancient traditions, the chakra’s […]

20 Inspiring Sleep Affirmations and How They Work

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Sleep affirmations are pretty much as the name implies. They’re positive affirmations that you recite to yourself before sleep. They help remove any negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, enabling you to fall asleep and remain sleeping more deeply and peacefully throughout the night. […]

What to Eat Before Bed; 6 Delicious Snacks to Help You Sleep

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Finding the proper bedtime routine that cultivates the perfect night’s sleep can sometimes feel like an exhausting task in itself. From avoiding blue light to nighttime affirmation, meditation and more, there is no shortage of advice to help you wind down for bed. However, one of the […]

174 Hz – The Sound That Heals Pain and Relieves Stress

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The 174 Hz frequency is the lowest tone in the Solfeggio frequency musical scale. The scale was supposedly created by an 11th-century monk named Guido D’Arezzo, lost and then rediscovered in the 1970s by Dr Joseph Puleo. Proponents of solfeggio frequencies claim that they are made up […]

Meditating in Nature: 3 Effortless Techniques to Help You Connect to the Outdoors

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents When I first started meditating after attending a 10 day silent vipassana course, it was recommended that I keep my meditation practice indoors. The reason for this was pretty straightforward. The outside world is full of distractions and would only hinder my progression. This was sound advice […]

The Power of Gemini

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Gemini is the third astrological sign of the zodiac. Those born under this sign are intelligent, curious, flexible, communicative and analytical. Gemini’s are great when it comes to giving advice and helping others solve their problems. Due to this air sign’s curiosity and pursuit of knowledge, there’s […]

The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique: What Is It, How It Works & How to Do It.

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is an anxiety management tool developed by Dr Andrew Weil that uses Pranayama, a yogic breathing technique, to create a natural relaxation response in the body. The exercise involves taking a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, holding it for […]

The Power Of Aries

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Aries is one of the most popular astrological signs, and it’s no wonder why. They are known for being brave, energetic, passionate, and strong-willed. These characteristics make them great leaders, but they also make them prone to impulsiveness and impatience. An Aries operating at their full potential […]

4 Proven Ways a Cold Shower Before Bed Will Improve Your Sleep

Cold Sower Before Bed Will Improve Your Sleep

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Cold showers are great for waking you up and getting you ready for the day. But what about after? Research shows that cold showers can affect how well you sleep. The theory is that a cold shower reduces the body’s core temperature, decreasing brain activity and inducing […]