Purple Aura Meaning and Personality

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents A purple or violet aura indicates a combination of gentleness, peace, and wisdom that colors a person’s life. People with this coloured aura are usually calm, allowing them to exercise equanimity in their life. They care about everything that goes on around them and feel their purpose […]

Green Aura Meaning and Personality

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents An aura is an invisible field of energy that surrounds your physical body, with the colour of it at any given time affected by your personality, emotions and experiences. Understanding the colour of your aura will help you connect with your inner self and allow you more insight into […]

Yellow Aura Meaning and Personality

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents An aura is a field of energy that surrounds your physical body, with the colour of it at any given time affected by your personality, emotions and experiences. Understanding the colour of your aura will help you connect with your inner self and allow you more insight […]

What Is Vipassana? The Technique, The Retreats and The Philosophy

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Vipassana, or insight meditation as the practice is also known, has enjoyed widespread popularity in recent years, with many people attending the gruelling ten-day courses that are available across the globe. Like many of the popular techniques of meditation that have found their way to the west, Vipassana […]

What Is a Spiritual Awakening

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents A spiritual journey is the recognition of our true nature; it is a clear knowing that we are not limited by our physical forms but instead united with unconditional love and boundless intelligence. An initial awakening may come about through any number of events or circumstances. An illness […]

How Long Should I Nap? Here’s What You Need to Know

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents It is easy to neglect the sleep we need. But sleep experts agree that a bit of shut-eye can make a big difference. Our sleep health affects all other aspects of our lives, including our concentration levels, our motivation and even our relationships. So, it is worth the […]

What Is Pranayama : 3 Basic Techniques and Their Benefits

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Pranayama is a set of yoga breathing exercises that can help cleanse your mind and body from the inside out. Pranayama breathing exercises allow you to relax and focus on the present moment and reach deep states of meditation. The literal translation of pranayama means ‘breathing control’ or […]

What Is Prana and How Does It Enter the Body

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Prana is the Sanskrit word for vital energy. It is a concept important to many Eastern spiritual traditions. It can be viewed as the potential force that animates life. In traditional Hinduism, Prana is often seen as similar to ki in Taoism or qi in Chinese medicine. It […]

Is Crying During Meditation Normal?

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents No one is born with a talent for meditating. The potential to meditate in a beneficial way is learned and to meditate proficiently can take years of practice. Beginner meditators start their practice with a certain amount of expectations about how their meditation session should go. Those expectations […]

Face Yoga: What Is It, Does It Work And 5 Easy Poses

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents A natural alternative yoga method, Face Yoga, uses a set of facial exercises to reduce the signs of ageing. The practice contains a set of facial muscle exercises that require you to stretch your cheeks, smile, and make different facial expressions. Popularised by Danielle Collins, author of “Beauty […]