Orange Aura Discovery Test

Your aura is Peach

Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.

Your aura is;
Burnt Orange

As opposed to feeling inspired and passionate, those with a burnt orange aura may lack energy and feel stuck in a rut.
Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.


Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you to understand your aura better.
The colour orange is connected to the sacral chakra, the second of the seven energy fields in the body.
A rich pumpkin-colored aura signifies a good eye for detail and self-discipline.
Those with pumpkin tones in their aura are adept at starting new challenges and make great employees. They are hard-working, enthusiastic, and loyal.
Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
Teacher Anodea Judith is a world-renowned energy healer and Chakra expert who explains the 7 Chakra system, and how an energy block in any of them causes an imbalanced life – a life with a lack of love, prosperity, health, and meaning.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.


The colour orange is connected to the sacral chakra, the second of the seven energy fields in the body.
Tangerine auras often surround high achievers who are very ambitious, but not because they are power-hungry. They simply love to achieve.
You are the type of person who loves spontaneity and wants a life full of adventure and challenge.
Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
Teacher Anodea Judith is a world-renowned energy healer and Chakra expert who explains the 7 Chakra system, and how an energy block in any of them causes an imbalanced life – a life with a lack of love, prosperity, health, and meaning.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.

Orange Red Aura

Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you better understand your aura.
The colour orange is connected to the sacral chakra, the second of the seven energy fields in the body.
A red-orange aura mixes the grounding attributes of the red aura with the creative power of the orange aura.
You have a powerful and confident energy that is impossible to ignore.
Your passion and enthusiasm are life-giving. You are a natural leader who has a strong will and desire for life.
Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
Teacher Anodea Judith is a world-renowned energy healer and Chakra expert who explains the 7 Chakra system, and how an energy block in any of them causes an imbalanced life – a life with a lack of love, prosperity, health, and meaning.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.

Yellowish Orange Aura

Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you better understand your aura.
The colour orange is connected to the sacral chakra, the second of the seven energy fields in the body.
This aura combines a yellow aura's enthusiasm, joyfulness, and light-heartedness with an orange aura's highly intelligent, optimistic, and ambitious traits.
Those with this aura are natural leaders and can often be drawn to leadership positions of all kinds.
On a personal level, they are not afraid to get their hands dirty when it's needed.
Explore the state of your Chakras in a FREE Chakra Healing Masterclass.
Teacher Anodea Judith is a world-renowned energy healer and Chakra expert who explains the 7 Chakra system, and how an energy block in any of them causes an imbalanced life – a life with a lack of love, prosperity, health, and meaning.
The Masterclass is free, but available for a limited time only, so you book your spot now.

An Orange aura signifies that you are adventurous, passionate, and full of creative energy.
Aura colors can change depending on the mood, personality, and everyday experience, and although an aura is not unchanging, it will be dominated by a particular shade.
Those with an orange aura all share the same playful, passionate, and ambitious traits, but they can manifest differently depending on that person’s current emotional state, and that will affect the shade of orange that person is radiating.
How to Change My Aura Shade
If you don’t feel like your current Aura shade represents the energy you want to be putting out into the world, then you can change it.
Meditation is the easiest and most effective way to cleanse your energy. MindEasy has an ‘Aura Cleansing’ visualization course that guides you to envision your aura’s vibrant protective energy and fill it with protective and loving vitality.
Other forms of meditation are also beneficial to your aura. For example, mantra meditation and positive affirmation raise your body’s vibrational energy and enhance the cleansing process. The more often you meditate, the stronger your aura will become.
You try all these techniques and more with a 30 day free trial of MindEasy.

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