5 Best Books on Meditation for New Meditators

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest There are more approaches to learning meditation now than ever before. Meditation apps, products, YouTube channels, podcasts, retreats, and classes all have their own way of explaining what meditation is about, how it can be done, and the best ways to reap the benefits. However, […]
10 Amazing Meditation Room Ideas to Help You Find Your Zen

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Whether you’re looking to find calm amidst the chaos or simply want to improve your mental health and happiness, creating a dedicated space for your meditation practice is a generous act of self-care that will have a lasting effect on your life. […]
Chakra Yoga; 21 Easy Poses to Align Your Chakras
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The chakras are the energy centers of our Prana (life force energy) believed to exist in our physical body. When our chakras become unbalanced, it adversely affects our mental and physical health. Yoga helps bring our energy body in balance with our […]
528 Hz: The Miracle Vibration of Love
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents The Solfeggio Frequency Scale is an ancient musical scale of 9 original sound healing frequencies, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz. Each of the Solfeggio Frequencies is known for its physical and mental healing benefits and its ability to unblock Chakras […]
Meditating in Nature: 3 Effortless Techniques to Help You Connect to the Outdoors
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents When I first started meditating after attending a 10 day silent vipassana course, it was recommended that I keep my meditation practice indoors. The reason for this was pretty straightforward. The outside world is full of distractions and would only hinder my progression. This was sound advice […]
How to Stop Overthinking
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Overthinking is something that can affect us all, and while analysing a situation where you behaved a little awkwardly is normal, it’s very easy for overthinking to become toxic and emotionally damaging. Chronic overthinkers can struggle not only in social situations, but also when making very basic decisions. […]
Love Languages: The Secret To A Happy Relationship
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Relationships can be difficult, and in many cases, even love isn’t enough! If you constantly feel as though you’re not quite on the same page as your partner, it could be that you just aren’t quite in tune with each other’s primary and secondary love languages. Contrary to […]
5 Simple and Proven Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While historically stress has been extremely useful, allowing us to flee hungry tigers and lions; living with chronic stress in the present day can damage both our physical and mental health. Whether it’s the stress of an endless to-do list or financial worries, it often feels as though […]
Mindfulness for Social Anxiety
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Social anxiety disorder is very common, affecting up to 6.8% of women in the UK, and up to 4.9% of men. Sadly, many people who struggle with social anxiety feel as though they are the only ones who suffer from it. Even those who don’t suffer from social […]
6 Techniques for Mindful Eating
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter 6 Techniques for Mindful Eating Table of Contents Eating is something we do every day, and we usually end up eating the same foods again and again. When we do something very regularly, it’s very easy to stop paying attention, and start going through the motions on autopilot. This is very […]