What is Savasana and How to Practice it
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Anyone who’s taken a yoga class, either online or in-person, will likely have practiced savasana, or corpse pose. Savasana is arguably the most simple yoga posture, while also being one of the hardest poses to master! While many experienced yogis can stand on their heads, balance on one […]
The Feelings Wheel
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents While ‘talking about our feelings’ is greatly encouraged, it can be very difficult to put words to our emotions. Some feelings are very clear-cut, we may feel upset if someone is rude to us, or bored waiting in a long queue, but a lot of the time, our […]
What are Intrusive Thoughts
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Whether it’s the voice that creeps into your head right before a job interview telling you that you’re not good enough, or the uneasy feeling that your friends don’t really like you, intrusive thoughts can be upsetting and very damaging. While intrusive thoughts are often more intense for […]
8 Ways to Improve your Spiritual Wellness
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Table of Contents Most of us are aware of what it takes to improve our physical and mental wellness. We know that regular exercise, a good night’s sleep and a healthy diet can work wonders when it comes to our minds and bodies. Our spiritual wellbeing on the other hand is […]
Can Meditation Replace Sleep?
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Meditation and sleep are undoubtedly different. Where Sleep serves to recharge your vitality and assist in recovery, meditation, helps us to combat the stress that made us tired in the first place. Meditation and sleep are both viable ways to relax the mind and recharge the body, but can one really […]
Top 5 Foods to Boost Your Mood
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Good food is essential in regulating mood and keeping us happy. Changes in our diet bring about certain modifications in the structure of our brain, physiology, and chemistry which lead to shifts in our behaviour. Eating calorie-rich, high sugar foods like ice cream or cookies can lift your spirits in the […]
5 Mindful Activities for Kids
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter From playing outside with friends, studying in class, and charging around the living room in their pyjamas, a child’s day is usually filled to the brim from sunrise to sunset (and often later!). But constantly being on the go can take its toll on your child, not to mention they’ll find […]
4 Honest Tips to Help You Feel and Look Your Age — Even Younger
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Being comfortable with age can help keep you happy. But no one wants to look or feel a lot older than they really are, right? Not to mention that if you look and feel older due to stress or poor lifestyle habits, you may be more prone to health conditions that […]
How Meditation Can Benefit New Mothers
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Being a mother is equivalent to holding down more than two full time jobs, with a typical mum clocking in a 14-hour shift every day, according to a study in the U.S. The early starts and late finishes, the endless chores, schooling and the responsibility of nurturing a human being, can […]
Can meditation help me focus
Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter What does it mean to focus? Its never been harder to stay focused than it is in today’s world. Be it the autoplay of the next youtube or Netflix video, the impulse to pick up our phones or continuous temptations of instantaneous gratification. Discipline is hard and takes practice. However, meditation is […]