8 Ways to Improve your Spiritual Wellness
- Griff

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Most of us are aware of what it takes to improve our physical and mental wellness.
We know that regular exercise, a good night’s sleep and a healthy diet can work wonders when it comes to our minds and bodies.
Our spiritual wellbeing on the other hand is rarely given the same weight.

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The Importance of Spiritual Wellness
A lack of information on what spirituality is and why it’s important means that spiritual wellness tends to be bottom of the agenda.
As a result, many people aimlessly move through life feeling a bit…meh.
They may feel they lack purpose, or struggle to connect to others, despite being mentally and physically healthy.
Contrary to belief, spirituality doesn’t have to be religious. Everyone can take steps towards improving their spiritual wellbeing, religious or otherwise.
Spirituality can be as simple as upholding our values and principles, living with consistency and exploring our meaning. It’s about discovering what really matters and connecting to something bigger than ourselves.
Improving your spiritual wellness is a journey that requires consistency and commitment. Try not to let setbacks affect you, and remember that just like physical and mental wellbeing, we can all have good days and bad days.
Take a look at some of our favourite ways to improve your spiritual wellness and start living with purpose.
Practice Giving
We all know that rush of happiness that comes when we do something nice for someone else, whether that’s giving up our free time to help a friend in need, or putting a little extra effort into finding the perfect gift.
Giving doesn’t have to be something physical. If someone is having a bad day, pay them a (genuine!) compliment. Offer to help a colleague with something they are struggling with, or do someone a favour without expecting anything in return.
Altruistic behaviour has been shown to release endorphins in the brain, giving you the same feel-good vibes as exercise.
Practice Forgiveness
Holding onto resentment can be extremely damaging, making it truly impossible to live in peace.
Forgiveness can be practiced independently of religion, but it’s important to understand why you are forgiving. Forgiveness takes time and energy, and many people find the process emotionally draining from start to finish. After forgiving someone, you may feel lighter, as though a load has been lifted.
Think of forgiveness as a gift to yourself and your wellbeing. It does not make you weak or a pushover, it makes you strong. It’s not about forgetting what someone has done to hurt you, but instead making peace with their actions.
There’s an unlimited number of resources and step by step guides to help you forgive those who have hurt you. Journaling, meditation and yoga can all help.
Certain Buddhist practices can help you to understand the reasons why people behave as they do, which is extremely helpful when it comes to forgiving them for their wrongdoings.
Be Grateful
Gratitude is key when it comes to spiritual wellbeing and personal development. While working towards an end goal is admirable, it’s equally important to be grateful for the here and now.
Gratitude is not telling yourself that ‘others have it worse’, as every struggle is valid. Instead, it’s about recognising that while we have hardship, we are also extremely lucky.
Taking a moment to appreciate a sunrise, the fresh air on your face or the warmth of a hot shower can help put things into perspective. Soon, you’ll be able to look at even the toughest situations in a slightly different way.
Look for Deeper Meaning
Connecting to your purpose can help you to stay on track when it feels as though the universe is against you.
Have faith that there is something deeper and bigger occurring, outside of your physical experiences.
Look for deeper meanings in your life and try to analyse patterns that recur. Many people going through hardships find it deeply reassuring to think that the universe has a plan for them.
Think Positively
It’s easy to think positively as you shut down your laptop on a sunny Friday afternoon, ready for the weekend. Positive thinking doesn’t come quite so naturally on a rainy Monday morning in the middle of January!
Positive thinking, like gratitude, takes practice. Meditation, evening journaling exercises and mindfulness can boost positive thinking, helping you to make the most of every day.
Explore what Spirituality Means to You
Spirituality is very individual, and even those with no connection to religion can feel spiritual.
It may be a view that makes your soul sing, or the unexplainable feeling that you are connecting to someone on a deeper level.
For some people, spirituality is innately religious, about connecting to God. For others, it’s exploring their purpose in life and finding what makes them tick.
There’s no better way to refresh the mind, body and soul than by getting away. Immersing yourself in different cultures, meeting new people and escaping the stagnancy of daily life can leave you feeling enriched and inspired.
While travelling to ‘find yourself’ has become a cliché, visiting somewhere new can have a profound effect on your mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Travel doesn’t have to mean heading off the beaten track or joining a long lost tribe in the Andes. Travel can be as simple as visiting a beautiful beach in your home country, or camping underneath the stars.
Of course, we are huge advocates of meditation. Loved all over the globe for its physical, mental and spiritual benefits, meditation is a fantastic tool when it comes to wellbeing.
If you’re feeling a little lost or struggling to find your purpose, a guided meditation can help you connect with your deeper self.
Short but regular sessions can help you bring gratitude and positivity into your daily life, while also connecting to something deeper inside you.
Key Facts
- Spiritual wellness is separate from mental and physical wellness. People with good spiritual wellbeing live with purpose, stick to their values and don’t harbour resentment.
- Improving your spiritual wellness takes time and consistency, but small steps everyday can be enough to see huge improvements.
- Do things for others – practice giving, forgiveness, be grateful and be kind.
- Meditation is one of the best tools – helping you see situations from a different perspective and discover your purpose
- If you’re struggling to find your place, take a trip away. A beach walk, a beautiful sunrise or simply a change of scene can be great for the mind, body and soul.
Griff Williams
MindEasy founder & meditation teacher
Griff Williams is an accredited meditation teacher and founder of MindEasy. He spent 12 years working as a London firefighter before changing paths to pursue building MindEasy. He received his diploma in meditation teaching from The British School of Meditation.