818 Angel Number: The First Step on a New Journey

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Seeing the same numbers crop up over and over again is often brushed off as a coincidence. But it’s thought that these numbers have a deep significance and could be a message from your spirit guides. Have you ever checked your phone […]

717 Angel Number: Spiritual Growth

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Have you ever noticed a sudden increase in recurring numbers appearing in your everyday life? While it’s easy to brush these off as a coincidence, these numbers could actually be angel numbers and have a far deeper meaning than we may initially […]

What Is My Angel Number

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Take this quick test to discover the number your angels are using to communicate through and how it relates to your life. What is an Angel Number An angel number is a repetitive sequence of numbers you see frequently appearing in your daily life. What makes an angel number different […]

1212 Angel Number: Time to Try Something New

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents  If you’re constantly seeing the same sequence of numbers crop up in your everyday life, it could be that your guardian angels are trying to send you a message. While it’s easy to dismiss these sightings as coincidence, paying attention to these […]

1010 Angel Number: Time to Take Charge

1010 Angel Number

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Sequences of numbers can appear almost anywhere in everyday life, and it’s easy to dismiss them as pure coincidence. But these numbers have deeper meanings, and stopping to notice what we’re seeing can reveal a lot about our lives and the direction […]

Best Meditation Pillow of 2022: A Meditation Teacher’s Top 10

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Meditation can be tricky at best, but if you’re fed up with aching limbs and joints following a seated meditation session, a meditation pillow may be for you. While meditators are often encouraged to sit with any niggles or aches that bother them during their practice, there’s […]

What Is the 3 3 3 Rule for Anxiety? How to Do It and Why It Works

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Nobody is immune from the effects of modern life and all the anxieties and stress accompanying it. Anxiety disorders are a common mental health issue that millions of people face every day. Approximately 40% of Americans, at some point in their life, […]

Can Vipassana Be Done at Home? A Meditation Instructor Weighs In

A women practicing vipassana at home

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Table of Contents Vipassana is a meditation technique that can be done almost anywhere. The only real requirement is that you can find a place to sit for around 20- 45 minutes undisturbed. Vipassana Meditation is commonly taught at 10-day silent retreats around the world […]

6 Intriguing Meditation Alternatives; A Meditation Teacher’s Advice

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Meditation is a fantastic tool for bringing about focus, reducing stress, regulating emotions, and improving your quality of life. But it’s not the only tool. What’s more, meditating isn’t always an option. For instance, if you’re traveling for work or have kids running around, you can’t always walk away into […]

Sleep Technology: 5 Gadgets I Use to Snooze in 2022

Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest Putting down electronic devices is almost always the number one tip for helping you achieve an easier and better sleep at night. However, some gadgets out there can be a game-changer on those nights when your brain just won’t shut off.. That’s why today, we’re […]