Staggering Stats about Meditation

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Get your head around a few facts:
Up to half a billion people around the world now meditate – proving that no matter who you are or what you do, meditation has become an integral part of everybody’s lives.
The beauty about meditation is that anyone can learn and practice, and now more than ever with our routines shaken by the pandemic, it’s so important to keep our mind, body and soul at optimal health.
Did you know that a mind-blowing 200 million to 500 million people now meditate around the world, according to a survey by health website The Good Body published this year, which is three times more than nine years ago.
Reasons why people meditate
Some of the most common reasons why people turn to meditation is to help:
Source: The Good Body
In fact, new research from the American Psychological Association (APA) shows that since the pandemic began last year, stress levels for adults in the United States have sky rocketed amid pandemic and society problems.
The survey discovered that on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 indicates ‘little stress’ and 10 means ‘lots of stress’, the average stress level at the beginning of the year was 5.6, higher than stress levels reported in 2020 by the survey since April.
Emotions linked with prolonged stress include: anxiety, sadness and anger
Men & Women
More women than men meditate , according to a 2017 National Health Interview Survey:
16.3% of women used meditation compared to 11.8% of men
Countries where meditation is most popular:
Source: Reality Pathing
Age Groups
16% of adults in the age group 45-64 years old are meditating the most, although those in the 18-44 years old group are nor far behind at 13%, and 65 years old and over are also at 13%, according to The Good Body.
Source: The Good Body
Children Meditating
Meditation is also growing in popularity among children, at the moment, older children aged 12-17 years old practise meditation compared to younger children, according to National Center for Health Statistics.
In fact, schools are starting to introduce meditation breaks during class time to help counter anxiety, reinforce mindfulness and help keep stress down.