Six of Cups: Reliving Happy Memories and Healing Old Wounds

Children in a garden exchanging flower-filled cups, representing the Six of Cups tarot card

Table of Contents

The Six of Cups is a tarot card that evokes a profound sense of nostalgia, transporting the querent back to the days of their youth.

It’s a card deeply intertwined with childhood memories, often bringing forth images of simpler times when life’s complexities didn’t weigh so heavily on one’s shoulders.

This card serves as a gentle reminder of the innocence and wonder of childhood, urging us to appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

Through the Six of Cups, the tarot offers a momentary escape from the present, allowing us to revisit the past and find solace in our most cherished memories.

Six of Cups Tarot Card

Key Facts

  • The Six of Cups is deeply connected with card meanings related to childhood memories and nostalgia.
  • This tarot card is often seen as a card about nostalgia, taking one back to simpler times and past experiences.
  • It emphasizes happy memories, especially those from childhood, urging introspection and reflection.
  • In a career reading, the Six of Cups suggests revisiting old projects and valuing past achievements.
  • The card’s imagery and essence often relate to one’s actual childhood and the experiences therein.
  • When reversed, the Six of Cups can indicate unresolved or deep childhood traumas affecting present situations.
  • It serves as a bridge between the past and present, offering lessons and insights from earlier days.

Six of Cups Meaning

In its upright position, the Six of Cups is a beacon of warmth and comfort. It speaks of a time when the world was filled with wonder, where childhood innocence reigned supreme, and the days were filled with play and laughter.

This card encourages us to remember the joy of childhood play, the thrill of discovery, and the happiness that comes from simple pleasures. It’s a card that emphasizes the importance of our emotional sense, urging us to reconnect with our inner child and view the world with a sense of awe once more.

The Six of Cups also nudges us to reflect on adult matters through the lens of our past experiences, suggesting that a trip down memory lane might offer valuable insights and deeper meaning to our current situations.

Six of Cups Reversed

While the upright Six of Cups is a card of joyful reminiscence, its reversed position delves into the darker corners of our past. It speaks of childhood trauma, unresolved issues, and the lingering wounds that continue to influence our adult lives.

The rose-colored glasses we once wore might now be tinted with the shadows of painful memories, making it challenging to see the present clearly. This card warns of the dangers of getting lost in the past, especially if those memories are filled with pain and regret.

An awful childhood, marked by trauma or neglect, can cast a long shadow, affecting our relationships, decisions, and overall outlook on life.

The reversed Six of Cups is a call to confront these painful memories, seek healing, and find a way to move forward, ensuring that the past doesn’t dictate our future.

Six of Cups with heart-shaped flowers, symbolizing past relationships and first loves.

Six of Cups Love

In the realm of love, the Six of Cups brings with it a wave of nostalgia. It often signifies the re-emergence of past relationships, perhaps a childhood sweetheart or the unexpected reconnection with a childhood friend.

These encounters, often bathed in the warm glow of memory, can evoke powerful emotions and a longing for days gone by. The card serves as a reminder of the purity and innocence of first loves and the unbridled joy of youthful romance.

For those in established relationships, the Six of Cups might suggest a favourable sign, urging couples to rekindle the spark by reminiscing about their early days together.

It’s a card that emphasizes the beauty of shared memories and the deep bonds formed through years of companionship.


When the Six of Cups appears reversed in a love context, it points towards unresolved issues from the past, casting a shadow on present relationships.

Old wounds, childhood issues, or past heartbreaks are preventing one from fully embracing love in the present moment.

This card in its reversed position emphasizes the need for emotional healing, urging individuals to confront and heal past traumas to build healthier relationships in the present and future.

Suit of Cups Quick Guide

Ace – Love

Two – Partnership

Three – Celebration

Four – Apathy

Five – Loss

Six – Nostalgia

Seven – Choice

Eight – Abandonment

Nine – Satisfaction

Ten – Harmony

Page – Dreamer

Knight – Romantic

Queen – Empathy

King – Diplomacy

Cups – Emotions

Swords – Intellect

Pentacles – Material

Major Arcana – Journey

Six of Cups Money and Career Meaning

In a career context, the Six of Cups is a beacon of collaboration and unity. It highlights the importance of successful teamwork and the magic that can be created when everyone works in harmony.

This card might also suggest a return to old projects or ideas, hinting that revisiting past endeavors could lead to success in the present. For those reflecting on their career trajectory, the Six of Cups encourages a review of past achievements, understanding one’s current position, and envisioning a brighter future position.

It’s a card that emphasizes growth, learning from past experiences, and leveraging them for future success.


In its reversed position concerning career and finances, the Six of Cups warns of potential pitfalls. Decisions made based on nostalgia rather than current realities can lead to challenges.

There might also be indications of bad health affecting one’s ability to work or potential financial setbacks due to past mistakes.

This card urges individuals to adopt a fresh perspective, learn from past errors, and approach professional and financial matters with clarity and foresight.

Six of Cups with surrounding spiritual symbols, representing the soul's journey and lessons from childhood.

Six of Cups Spirituality Meaning

In spiritual tarot readings, the Six of Cups serves as a bridge to our past, emphasizing the soul’s journey and the profound lessons embedded in the days of childhood.

This card beckons us to reflect upon the spiritual lessons we’ve encountered throughout our lives, especially those rooted in our earliest memories. It’s a gentle reminder of the purity, wonder, and curiosity of our inner child, urging us to reconnect with that part of ourselves.

By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of our spiritual path, embracing the lessons and experiences that have shaped our essence.

The Six of Cups encourages us to seek guidance, perhaps through meditation or spiritual counseling, to delve deeper into these childhood memories and extract the wisdom they hold.


When the Six of Cups appears in its reversed position in a spiritual context, it suggests a potential disconnect from one’s spiritual essence. This detachment might stem from unresolved childhood wounds or traumas that hinder spiritual growth.

It’s a call to address and heal these deep-seated issues, allowing for a clearer, more profound spiritual connection. By confronting and mending these childhood wounds, one can pave the way for a more enriched and fulfilling spiritual journey.

Six of Cups Yes or No

In “Yes or No” tarot card readings, the Six of Cups leans towards a “Maybe” or “Yes” stance. The card suggests that the answer lies in the emotional experiences and lessons we’ve grown through. Reflecting on these can provide clarity.

If one pays close attention to past experiences, especially those from childhood, the true answer will reveal itself. The Six of Cups encourages introspection and understanding, hinting that positive outcomes are on the horizon if one is willing to delve deep and embrace the lessons of the past.

Griff Williams

MindEasy founder & meditation teacher

Griff Williams is an accredited meditation teacher and founder of MindEasy. He spent 12 years working as a London firefighter before changing paths to pursue building MindEasy. He received his diploma in meditation teaching from The British School of Meditation.